Your In-Game name: mouthybiscuit | trader
Offenders In-Game name: Peacekeeper
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:439618159

What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server

What rules did the offender break? Cop RDM

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:

Other Comments: Has Cop RDM'd me at least 4 times. Finally got tired of it so i started to record him incase he does it again. Sorry, this video is unedited. He Cop RDM's near the end. Peacekeeper is also a very toxic player in general. If you have any questions concerning this incident please ask.

This is what I see.

There was/is alot of one-on-one between you and peacekeeper. You might notice that I even stopped in one spot several times just to watch you two.

Time : First to hit
1:02 Peacekeeper -> biscuit
1:30 Peacekeeper ->nightlife
1:51 Peacekeeper - Biscuit
2:32 Biscuit -> peacekeeper
2:50 Biscuit -> Peacekeeper
3:12 Biscuit -> Peacekeeper
4:11 Biscuit -> Peacekeeper
5:17 Biscuit -> Peacekeeper
5:32 Biscuit -> ROGcmdr
6:15 Biscuit -> Peacekeeper
7:59 Peacekeeper - Biscuit

SO looks like there was one-on-one Antagonizing going on here.

Biscuit . This is a place to have fun. Cant really go around and kill people and then when you get killed go complain about it.
Peacekeeper. maybe not block access paths, also you do know the rules that cops dont attack first?

Both of you , learn that its a game. if you are not liking whats going on at the moment , go AFK, go get something to eat, go outside for a few minutes, if your of age, go get a beer ,

I dont have a problem being killed, that would be hyprocritical, I just have a problem being killed by a cop. (When its RDM)

Aww poor Juan getting stressed again. Did you ask him why he did it? Because if not then you do not know why he did it therefore you cant reason why he did it. Problem solved. 🙂) 🙂)

short958 wrote

Aww poor Juan getting stressed again. Did you ask him why he did it? Because if not then you do not know why he did it therefore you cant reason why he did it. Problem solved. 🙂) 🙂)

you are extremely stupid

Skittle wrote

you are extremely stupid

[member=588]Skittle[/member] not stupid, just autistic.

short958 wrote

[member=588]Skittle[/member] not stupid, just autistic.

so medically stupid

seriously just quit being a fucking idiot

Any post not directed at the applicant will be deleted! STFU nobody cares...

So basically a long argument happened between Squeaky and Peacekeeper, i thought i would record it just incase. But the reason I am posting this video is because near the very end Peacekeper CopRDM'd me once again. If you have any questions just reply and I can answer them.

12 days later

[font=impact]Accepted[/font] [font=verdana] Peacekeeper's cop has been taken and he can reapply after 2 weeks[/font]