I need some help with the server's models
I don't think that I actually download anything when joining the server.
I was able to get the Trevor model from joining a different server that used that model.
https://prntscr.com/lxx7ju (Trevor / Drug buyer)
https://prntscr.com/lxx993 (Employer/ Duke Nukem)
https://prntscr.com/lxxa0w (Plant)
https://prntscr.com/lxxbh8 (Banker/ gman)
If anyone could help out that would be great!
I have tried anything I could do
Delete File (verify then rejoin)
I've just about done everything all the tutorials I could find said to do and none of them worked.
I need help with the models...
Is your download filter on all?
SPOOKY wroteIs your download filter on all?
yes I have enabled that and did all the different commands like the filter and the allow download