In-Game name: Zecherai
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121125950
Age: 14

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone, and I am willing to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: I am available to play every day of the week.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 33

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: ET - United States of America

Rules you view as most important: No cheating or mass RDM.

The reason that I would like to be a cop is that I would like to make an attempt at keeping the server clean and the mass rdm at a minimum. I believe that mass rdm can create problems for others who are just trying to play the game generally and are not attempting to fight. Cheating also creates some issues because that could lead to mass rdm that can't really be stop other than with a ban. I want to be able to create an environment where these things happen as uncommonly as possible. I also feel as though it would be an enjoyable part to play as a cop in these roleplaying servers. I really enjoy playing on these servers, and being able to play a larger role would be awesome. I appreciate the chance that I am getting and look forward to more fun additions to the server.

Your application is REALLY short. you're going to need to give more details on the reason you should be a cop

You're missing :
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?

Please make sure that you are online as I haven't really seen you on as much anymore.
Also, please make your application longer because it isn't very good.

11 days later

He has corrected his application. I observed him helping a new guy today. I fully vouch for this player to be a cop.

Mostly because of a gut feeling I guess but also the facts that now the application is fully complete, we have seen no negative incidents with you, and you exhibit overall positive behavior.

10 days later

Accepted. See an admin for in-game training.