In-game name: Beefin
Server you were muted on: Moonshade RP
Who muted you: Church/Deadpool or myback
Reason for mute: Constant micspam, toxicity towards specific players.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97426062
Reason you think you should be unmuted: I want to apologize for my behavior in the past, and I will make up for it if my appeal goes through. I am trying to help out some new players, and recruit other players myself. I have already tried to help out a new player while being muted, and he just completely ignored me, and RDMed like standard new players. If I was unmuted I could do so much good, and leave my past behind, I could help this server and the community a ton. It has been a while since I had gotten my, and I think I am ready to make a change in myself, and the community.
Evidence to support claim (if any):