I got a day off because of 2 inches of snow
that's just a random picture from Kansas City.
Anyway. What do you guys normally do on days off?

We usually fucking mourn because we have to make it up because every school is required to have 180 school days BibleThump KMP

short958 wrote

We usually fucking mourn because we have to make it up because every school is required to have 180 school days BibleThump KMP

every single school ever in any location at any given time? wow, that's crazy!

SPOOKY wrote

every single school ever in any location at any given time? wow, that's crazy!

Yea i swear go look it up i mean teachers have to usually do 190 days

Damn. Sounds like I have it easy cause if my school doesn't have a snow day in the spring we get a free day off which is nice.
So as long as we don't get any more snow days we won't have to make anything up.