Your In-Game name: Grubbsy [ms]
Offenders In-Game name: This keeps changing but is / was before this was "consuming creamy fecal matter" aka swayzz
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196239739

What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server

What rules did the offender break? Harassment / impersonation

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: (consuming creamy fecal matter changes their name to harass madlad at this point) (another screenshot

Other Comments: Hopefully this offender will be dealt with soon!
what was happening here was MadLad a very nice person got into an altercation with swayzz and swayzz started impersonating and harassing MadLad

This really has nothing to do with it but a couple players that swayzz convinced to join in was doing very similar things

I changed my name to madlad isn't a lad if that is harrassment then saying someone is a doody is blasphomy I will admit it is childish, but this is the internet and you shouldn't get mad over someone saying you aren't a lad

Swayzz ? wrote

I changed my name to madlad isn't a lad if that is harrassment then saying someone is a doody is blasphomy I will admit it is childish, but this is the internet and you shouldn't get mad over someone saying you aren't a lad

Let's not forget the impersonation, though.

Earlier you were micspamming and just being an awful person in general. You used to try way too hard to be liked which was annoying, but now you're just a piece of shit.

I don't even like madlad and your garbage attitude towards him, and everyone else, is really fucked up.

Skittle wrote

Let's not forget the impersonation, though.

Earlier you were micspamming and just being an awful person in general. You used to try way too hard to be liked which was annoying, but now you're just a piece of shit.

I don't even like madlad and your garbage attitude towards him, and everyone else, is really fucked up.

So you don't like me being nice or toxic so why don't ya just say you don't like me at all vapeNation

Swayzz ? wrote

So you don't like me being nice or toxic so why don't ya just say you don't like me at all vapeNation

The point was that you are way worse now and should stop.

Skittle wrote

The point was that you are way worse now and should stop.


Well, skittle was being a little mean but the evidence is clear you impersonated a player without permission and you will be punished.
