Your In-Game name: Skittle
Offenders In-Game name: Peacekeeper Juan
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:439618159

What server did this happen on? CSGO LiteRP

What rules did the offender break? Do not unjail another cops' prisoners without consent from that cop. Who you jail/cuff is also your responsibility.

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:

Other Comments: for being a "peacekeeper" you really do like to start shit, like calling me toxic as soon as i join when i havent even said anything, or going and lying after i said i had proof to report you in the server and also the discord

First off, what I did was an accident, I meant to VIP him for 10 minutes because you VIP'd him for 30 minutes. Regardless, what I was intending to do was wrong, however, I did not mean to release him and Darkvoid also killed your cuff accidentally, he's an experienced player and knows otherwise. None the less, if a staff member feels the need to ban me for this, they will probably do so, but if I'm being honest, Skittle, you are making this a bigger deal than it is. Especially since this would be my first offense.

[QT] Peacekeeper Juan wrote

First off, what I did was an accident, I meant to VIP him for 10 minutes because you VIP'd him for 30 minutes. Regardless, what I was intending to do was wrong, however, I did not mean to release him and Darkvoid also killed your cuff accidentally, he's an experienced player and knows otherwise. None the less, if a staff member feels the need to ban me for this, they will probably do so, but if I'm being honest, Skittle, you are making this a bigger deal than it is. Especially since this would be my first offense.

You're straight up lying right now. I'm pretty sure people have said they were in a channel with you when you were talking about letting darkvoid out.

Second of all, Darkvoid didn't kill my cuff by accident, a big ass blue dude with no gun sitting there for at least 6 seconds and it was an "accident" ? Yeah fucking right lmao.

Here's some nice lies from Peacekeeper Juan: it was "jack shit" before and now it's because he "accidentally" killed my cuff? lmao

He muted himself when he got jailed and after a while he told me what happened.

Also, he was muted when I released him, so he didn't even know about it. I didn't bring it up at all, so I wasn't talking about it

"What do you know? Oops, know your facts before you come at me, lil' goof"

I don't think this is going anywhere with what is being said by peacekeeper.

I do think you have been cop long enough to know most of this stuff and be independent without the whole "oh it's just a recruit maybe it was just an accident" stuff.
I think it's evident that you will be punished for this as the evidence is clear and is even admitted by you that you did the deed.
If skittle was abusing let him do it so that there could be a report on him and not you.

I don't think what you did is justifiable by any means.
You can't just say that this was ok to do.

[QT] Peacekeeper Juan wrote

He muted himself when he got jailed and after a while he told me what happened.

Also, he was muted when I released him, so he didn't even know about it. I didn't bring it up at all, so I wasn't talking about it

"What do you know? Oops, know your facts before you come at me, lil' goof"

Yes, you're right, I didn't know about that part. That is why I said "I'm pretty sure" instead of "I know you were..."

If you really want to quote Eminem, at least don't be hypocritical while doing it, you're the one that went in Discord and put in all caps "SKiTTLE iS ABUSing CoP!11"

You didn't even address all of my points, you only addressed the one that I made it clear I was UNSURE OF.

"But you're losing the fight you picked"

i think this is his first time being reported? give him a slap on the wrist like u did with skittle and other players and let him go, literally no reason to keep this going

lemon wrote

i think this is his first time being reported? give him a slap on the wrist like u did with skittle and other players and let him go, literally no reason to keep this going

Finally someone with half a brain