In-Game name: Nazarko
Steam ID:
Age: 14

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes

Days of the week you are available to play: Everything except Sunday.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 5 hours

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: UTC -6 or -7, Canada, Alberta

Rules you view as most important: Innactivity and Repeat Kill.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to become a cop because i want to help out. You should pick me because most of the time im and i will be on the server + i do know almost 70 % of the game mode.

I see the rules don’t fall under your “70% understanding of the gamemode.”

Skittle wrote

I see the rules don’t fall under your “70% understanding of the gamemode.”


Okay, let me break this criticism into 3 points

  1. Please read the rules because you obviously haven’t
  2. Please expand on why you should be accepted over other applicants and please don’t include bullshit like 70% , I would much rarther hear the truth and about what you can bring to the server than absolute bullshit that does not help your application at all.
  3. Now here is the last point I’m gonna tell you because this further shows how bullshit your 70% is, you have 5 hours on the server, you need 30 to apply on the server, I won’t be instantly denying it but if you want a chance to be cop then get to 30 hours before the meeting.

If you follow what I have said in this and edit your application accordingly then you should have a decent chance of getting cop.

5 days later

Insufficient hours, poor application strength.
Re-apply in 2 weeks from now, not within.