[size=14pt]In-game name:

Server you were banned on: csgo RP

Who banned you: spookyS

Reason for ban: Cheating was the main reason, there was another one but i forgot it.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:442480882

Reason you think you should be unbanned: I believe i should be unbanned because i did not mean any harm nor was I cheating. I will admit that i was toxic months before i got banned and their is no excuse nor do i expect to be forgiven, I've been apart of the Moonshade community since late 2015. I wish to continue my journey with the community as long as i can. I want to make the community better, help, and watch it grow. Its a place where people go to get on and chill out, a stress free place to talk to friends and have fun, PD Raids, all the fun stuff. Their are not much if any servers like this one. Moonshade is a unique server and i wish to play on it as much as i can. I hope you all can understand where i am coming from because I've played this game since i was a kid and i want to experience it as a mature teenager.

Evidence to support claim (if any): In the video i was shooting through a tiny door, with 6+ people out my door it was not hard to time nor get headshots, i got headshots by crosshair placement, and the sound helped me when to shoot and where they were in an estimate. I hope you all can see this.

Dude your previous ban appeal was denied a month ago, nothing has changed since then

If only you had evidence, Rip

-You still forgot the part where Duck was using his mic and u could see the little icon above his head. smh, that is really the only good excuse for it.
-don't know If I want to see you on the server still or not due to how toxic you were over one batch of drugs.
Idk but to be honest you are annoying on the forums too. If you want to be unbanned you might have to give it more time and hope for the best even though a few people can still state what you did was bad. From that 22 second video, It still looks like blatant hacks. I also don't want to play with a hacker as it is unfair and is shitty.

There weren’t 6 people outside your door, and you tracked his head with your gun, which could be seen through the door.

And no... Duck wasn’t talking when he was shot...

Honestly at this point, even if I wasn’t cheating I’d admit to it, either the first or second time, but twice now you’ve claimed you aren’t cheating when nearly EVERYONE agreed that you were. Not a very smart decision in my opinion.

Other reasons = advertising cheats and toxicity.

You where cheating and we proved that your best bet is admitting at this point because we have made up our minds and nothing you have said in the past couple of months has made us even come close to reevaluating our decision.

P.S: we are being very generous letting you appeal and bug us over this incident please respect our decision as we respect your right to protest the rules and punishments.

Hackers are lame and for someone who lurks on this forum, this is an annoying post to see over and over. monkaS monkaS

SPOOKY wrote

Other reasons = advertising cheats and toxicity.

You where cheating and we proved that your best bet is admitting at this point because we have made up our minds and nothing you have said in the past couple of months has made us even come close to reevaluating our decision.

P.S: we are being very generous letting you appeal and bug us over this incident please respect our decision as we respect your right to protest the rules and punishments.

I respect your choice, but i was not advertising cheats. and to be fair i wasent trying to advertise at all, it was my group. and i said "Join the cheater crew" as a joke since everyone thinks i cheat (how ironic) and it was binded to my 9 so i would hit exit on a banker or somthing and it would say the bind. However, i could of removed this i was just lazy because it was in my auto exec file, so yea

a year later