Your In-Game name: Mr.Anonymous
Admins In-Game name: Queso
Admins Steam ID: Cant check due to unfit temp ban.
What server did this happen on?
Rp Csgo.
What rules did the admin break?
Rule 1, And although there is no rule for baning unfairly, he did that aswell.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any
Other comments:
Queso has kicked me from Teamspeak rooms, banned me from teamspeak, continuously kills me on sight in game although i am not in a gang, has moved me into a room into his base and named the door fuck you anonymous, has been not only toxic to me but tries to insult me on a personal level. Calls me cancer to the server and what not. Said thing and i quote "you have no friends on this server,All the server admins hate you why do you even want to play here?" These actions are by far immature for anyone but an admin non the less. Whilst talking to the server owner about supporting and donating money was constantly harassed by Queso and interrupted with things that he is not involved with.
The final thing that made me post this was the fact that he baned me from the Csgo Rp server for killing a player who had under 5 hours 3 times. A ban was very over zealous and was applied from a personal standpoint no a professional one. I was not hunting players i was camping in my base as people were assulting me the new player was continuously coming back to an active fighting area. That is reason enough to kill someone when a "gang war" and multiple people are hired to kill you. Also the rules stat and i quote "Do not ever kill a new player for no set reason. Doing so will result with Warn -> Ban for 10 Minutes -> Ban for 1 Day -> Permenent Ban Killing cops does NOT count. Another exception is players with bounties, or immensely high crime." I did not get any type of warning verbal or non. straight to a ban.