In-game name:Acidmac

Server you were banned on:
Who banned you:
Reason for ban:
Steam ID:
Reason you think you should be unbanned:
N/A Was like 4 years ago
Evidence to support claim (if any): Cause im different now and id like to see the server because im sure its a lot better than the Hebrew one.

I found myother login info so this ismy forums account

Evidence to support claim (if any): Cause im different now and id like to see the server because im sure its a lot better than the Hebrew one.

"Better" COUGH COUGH no its not COUGH COUGH but its still good ofcourse 🙂

Hi welcome chili's wrote

Lemon u cant really talk much either

Neither can you

wow turned into a convo geeze guys.,

Hi welcome chili's wrote

Ive never been banned for hacks now have i

The only reason you know lemon was banned for hacks is because someone else told you. You yourself said you quit but you have made OVER 50 FORUM POSTS SINCE THEN AS IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ON WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT. I COMMAND YOU TO CEASE AT ONCE!!!

any post not related to the topic at hand will be deleted!

why has no one replied to what I asked tho not trying have a convo