Your In-Game name: Derek.erds
Offenders In-Game name: Grubbsy
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:204500198

What server did this happen on? Grubbsy cop RDM'd me whilst I was admiring the beauty of another player

What rules did the offender break? cop RDM

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Console screenshot and copy of logs after it

Other Comments: He might admit to it I was trying to steal a gun from a player and he killed me i was a little past the bridge and he was at PD one hell of a flick if it was also as you can see he switched and asked to cuff uncuff and didn't suicide after that moment which shows he didn't switch back to T before killing me with a five seven which is a gun with the rank Grubbsy is currently at
Grubbsy : Oops
Grubbsy : IM SOOR RY
Grubbsy : SO SORRY
Grubbsy : im sorry
Grubbsy : plsssss
Grubbsy : That's not infraction of the cop rules tho
Grubbsy : it was an accident ;-;
Grubbsy : Im sowwy
Grubbsy : I long range zuesed you
Grubbsy : it was a glitch
Grubbsy : One hell of a glitch aint it?
Grubbsy : report me i guess ;-;

You just need a few of your statements in there too, as you said that you would give me a chance to give you the mag 7s back as I replied: "that's not an infraction of the rules." I truly am sorry and didn't mean to kill you. I didn't mean to kill you and didn't shoot to kill you as you were trying to rob them as I now realize because I thought you were just messing around. It's not like I killed you 12 times, only once and by accident. There was no hate in it whatsoever, it was a fatal misclick.

the accuser also tried to bribe grubbsy into dropping him weapons. also against the rules

Grubbsy said in the chat that it was an accident, seems like you are trying to get his cop taken away for any little thing he does wrong

ggnore wrote

the accuser also tried to bribe grubbsy into dropping him weapons. also against the rules

Just read rules and nothing indicates this being against rules if you find a post by an admin stating this is wrong I'll admit i did break the rule.

ggnore wrote

the accuser also tried to bribe Grubbsy into dropping him weapons. also against the rules

What he means by that are the guns I stole from him maybe 5mins or so before I ACCIDENTALLY shot Swayzz. Swayzz wanted the Mag 7s back and still said:
"I'm giving you another chance, you want to give me the guns?"

basically here Swayzz was trying to get the guns back and threatened to report me if I didn't give them back to him. I forgot to include this in my first message.

Although I did check the rules anywhere they are posted cop rules server rules whatever there is nothing explaining what he did whether or not it was wrong.

Duck dont be fucking talking ur ass got my cop taken for a little thing also u retarded autistic monkey also still against the rules to cop rdm people

What you did wasn't an accident, there is a difference between opening all the doors in pd to let someone in then opening my cell and dropping them your weapons as cop just because I said I had drugs on me (even though I didn't) and an misclick which he even said in the chat it was. Now hush hush my little chilli you quit with samy go bye bye now

Psyduck wrote

What you did wasn't an accident, there is a difference between opening all the doors in pd to let someone in then opening my cell and dropping them your weapons as cop just because I said I had drugs on me (even though I didn't) and an misclick which he even said in the chat it was. Now hush hush my little chilli you quit with samy go bye bye now

saying you accidentally murdered someone doesn't make it right

I'm going to have to accidentally say the most damage you will do to his cop is waste away his free warning that every cop receives. What made you report him over
a little flick? Cop RDM... We normally see this all the time with newer cops and we always let it fly. And wasn't ggnore going to report him? Did I hear this wrong or what? All this is doing is creating more questions than answers.

Keep in mind this would be different if it was a repeat offense or some kind of more serious rule being broken...and on purpose with little remorse.

Another thing - You have a typo in the rule being broken, this also decreases the chances of the report being taken seriously.

myback wrote

I'm going to have to accidentally say the most damage you will do to his cop is waste away his free warning that every cop receives. What made you report him over
a little flick? Cop RDM... We normally see this all the time with newer cops and we always let it fly. And wasn't ggnore going to report him? Did I hear this wrong or what? All this is doing is creating more questions than answers.

Keep in mind this would be different if it was a repeat offense or some kind of more serious rule being broken...and on purpose with little remorse.

Another thing - You have a typo in the rule being broken, this also decreases the chances of the report being taken seriously.

Well shit this probably will be the most accidental forum post in the history of forum posts so many accidents here im starting to think that maybe me myself is an accident.
I think I'm confused about what myback is confused about cause it's too confusing but, this is all out of hand. Considering there is another kind of Skittle/teebag kind of argument where neither side gets nowhere what so ever.

I personally don't think it was a flick as a flick from that distance on the first shot is insanely hard and flicking and shooting means you have intent to kill.

My luck was really insane on that shot. From my end, I LAUGHED AT IT AT FIRST CAUSE I WAS like holy shit I forgot I have imaginary hacks like coal and went like oof. It'll also sound like a load of horse shit but when I shot I was actually messing around with my mouse and ducking put it down and left clicked shooting my gun on accident and a flick was my real excuse for it. If I meant to kill you I would have gone to T side because I like having cop and playing it.