In-Game name: ggnore
Steam ID: 76561198323111243
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes and yes

Days of the week you are available to play:monday-saturday

Current Hours In-Game on our server:30 hours

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: central daylight time U.S.

Rules you view as most important:no mass rdming because it ruins the game for everyone playing

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?i have not been on the server for long but its my favorite server and where i spend most of my free time and would like to become a more active member in the community

ggnore is bearable and is really nice and active.
HE was a bit toxic from his starter days but got to be really nice and I think he should really deserve a chance at cop now that he's played a lot.

From what ive seen of him he is friendly to everyone and really enjoys playing on the server. I havent seen him mass rdm since he first joined but most new players do that at first since this is csgo. Might i add grubbsy that you also put no mass rdm in your cop application even when you did it plenty of times before you got cop.

a month later

Could you reply back so we know you're still around? Been a month.

See a qualified Admin in-game!