Current Rules for Hide'N'Seek

These Rules will change, please make sure to recheck them when you can.


[color=red]While playing in game these are some great Rules to follow, they only not make the gameplay better but ensure you from getting kicked/banned.
Cheating with AutohotKeys and Bhop Scripts will get you banned![/color]

Rule #1) While in game and playing please do not kill yourself with fall damage. (If you are being chased in anyway or form)

[size=12pt]Rule #2)
When you are a Terrorist make sure not to hide, that would only waste game time and make it impossible for a CT to get a chance to change teams.

[size=12pt]Rule #3)
Sometimes players can be cheating, the best way to get them banned is with proof! Make sure you get some and file a report of the forms or tell a Admin in-game.

[size=12pt]Rule #4)
Free jumping is against the Rules unless a Admin says its aloud, Make sure to always stay engaged with the gamemode Hide'N'Seek!

[size=12pt]Rule #5)
Please don't use your microphone as a stereo, that means no sounds that are EarRape/Music/Spam also that means don't scream into the microphone.

[size=12pt]Rule #6)
MSL is not allowed ~ This Rule will be updated soon! So you may better understand it.

[size=12pt]Rule #7)
DoubleStabing is not allowed, This means you cannot stab the same player for 5 seconds, So stab once wait 5 seconds then stab again.

[size=12pt]Rule #8)
Do not chase while holding the Forward key, Try to strafe and stab. It makes it alittle more fun!

[size=12pt]Rule #9)
While on a ladder or in general understabing is not allowed.

[size=12pt]Rule #10)
Try not to block other players it makes their experience less fun and no one wants that.

[size=12pt]Rule #11)
While in spectate you are most likely AFK and farming Store Credits, So if you are active try not to Ghost for any reason whatsoever.

[size=12pt]Rule #12)
[size=10pt]If you are a Terrorist while being chased try to do some tricks while running, just plain running is boring and also not really fun! Make CTS work to get you!