Your TS3 name: crocker
Offenders TS3 name: Landlord
Offenders Steam ID: its on ts who needs steam id

What server did this happen on? ts3

What rules did the offender break? impersonating admin called myback and fooling kyle for a good half an hour. Kyle was very shook after he found out landlord was posing as myback the whole time

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:

ooF that sounds not like good. if anything if ur impersonating an admin you better be an admin and are impersonating urself lol. I guess I would approve of this message too cause I hate people who pretend to be others, even if it's a joke or insult at the person they're impersonating.

Why do u do dis 2 me my good ol, Grub C.?

this Landlord sounds like a real chump and should be banned from not being banned, myback is a good man for putting up with this buffoon

Manlord wrote

this Landlord sounds like a real chump and should be banned from not being banned, myback is a good man for putting up with this buffoon

Lol sounds like this guy going away for a long time!!!

Manlord wrote

this Landlord sounds like a real chump and should be banned from not being banned, myback is a good man for putting up with this buffoon

Yikes not looking well for you may wanna take it a bit more serious

Swayzz ? wrote

Yikes not looking well for you may wanna take it a bit more serious

Lmao this report was a joke i just wanted a thumbs up from spooky and to show how kyle was bamboozled this can be moved to trash