Squeaky Chaos Insurgent was using doorhack just to get to me to get a cuff as a cop. Psyduck was there and watched him do it too. 😐
lemon use the report format, put this in player report i doubt this will go through due to lack of evidence
myback Lemon is right, but i was able to verify he was cop and used doorhack. Normal cop procedures will follow.
ChaosInsurgent I checked the rules in the PD, And in the past there was no rule that I remember of using door hacks as cop, Cmon now squeaky, are you one of those players who tries to get everyone banned for every little thing?
MrCrocker ChaosInsurgent wrote I checked the rules in the PD, And in the past there was no rule that I remember of using door hacks as cop, Cmon now squeaky, are you one of those players who tries to get everyone banned for every little thing? Maybe you should try reading the rules on the forums Do not use any rebel items. (Lockpick, Doorhack, Cuffsaw). Use kickdoor to get inside locked homes with bounties.