In-Game name: JuanChito619
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:1226428
Age: 30

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? no mic, I just speak loudly at my laptop and so far not too many complaints.

Days of the week you are available to play: I usually play a few hours everyday. mostly Mon-Fri

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 177

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: GMT -7 Pacific time zone

Rules you view as most important: No Mass RDM (R being random, vendettas are different) / the constant pillaging of people.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I will hold every one equally accountable based on fairness and how they comply with the PD... there are cops who choose and pick when they enforce the rules.....I plant on being consistent. I don't not plan on being a "because I can" type of cop. I am excited to learn all that I need to in order to stand a proper beat.I am fairly easy to get along with and have the experience of working well with others. I have been playing half-life since it came out. I am glad there are still people playing some version of it today.

This guy literally whined when I jailed him.

make ur app longer thats all

Probably would make an ok cop. Not any good though tbh I just have no faith in him. I want to tell him but I don't wanna ruin any fun. but he has not realized that planting in Hoe Daddy's house isn't safe unless he invests in locks or moves to a new home.

(this bit doesn't matter but the irony of my signature)

This bit does matter because I just re-read your cop app and, Raiding people isn't against the rules its part of the game. if it was against the rules the tools wouldn't exist. I just gotta say you're not gonna make bank if you keep planting in the same home that has 0 locks.

I've seen him on he has a lot of hours and I personally haven't had any troubles with him I think he would be a good cop

When i was on the server active back in mittle fans when he played he would always complain and shit and got mad when he couldnt kill me when i was a bounty hiding in afk also gets really salty for no reason

9 days later

Accepted! See an admin in-game for training