Your In-Game name: de_wayne "Da Wock" Johnston
Offenders In-Game name: Nemesis
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:45017087
What server did this happen on? CSGO RP
What rules did the offender break? Do not exchange RP money with other currencies, virtual or not (PayPal, Bitcoin, etc).
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: steam chat
Other Comments: I blocked him the first time for mic spamming and then going on an RDM spree because people were mad at him, I unblocked him and tried to be friendly but then he chat spammed me while I was doing homework, then he asked me to donate for him and he would give me RP money. I don't think he needs to be banned because the exchange never happened but he needs the rules explained to him at least.