In-Game name: Changed to "Dheath" but was "de_wayne "Da Wock" Johnston"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56230318

Age: 28

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Have a Logitech G633 and I don't mind using it at all.

Days of the week you are available to play: Whenever I'm not in class, but 3-7 days out of the week I can play for a couple hours. Some days I will put in 5-10 hours...

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 32 hours

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: CST and USA

Rules you view as most important: "Do not exchange RP money with other currencies, virtual or not (PayPal, Bitcoin, etc)." , "AFKing as a cop for long periods of time is not permitted." & "If you are killed by someone as a cop, you may NOT revenge kill them back after you respawn."

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to make the server a great place to RP, I don't want to run around begging people to let me cuff/uncuff them. I want to rank up legit and do it in a way that seems like you are dealing with a real cop trying to keep crime down in the city. I am not a new player to darkRP but I did not know there was a darkRP in CSGO. It seems like this is the only real RP server on CSGO and I would love to contribute.

+rep I don’t really give my 2 cents on cop apps anymore because most of them I’ve never seen in server or I don’t reslly care about them but this guy here is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met on the server he put 11 hours on his first day and this guy is very mature it’s probably because he’s 28 but I’ve never met a more worthy cop applicant

yeah hes a pretty good guy from the times i have seen him play he minds his own buisness and is not toxic but friendly. would make a great addition to the moonshade PD 🙂

Skittle wrote

You are VERY mistaken if you think this is DarkRP.


"This Gamemode is NOT...
DarkRP, or any form of Garry's Mod-like Roleplay
100% Serious"

Yes, but a bunch of the same concepts from darkRP apply over to CSGOrp. I have been playing 10+ hours a day for the past 3 days, and honestly, from reading the rules over and over again, I think I can tell the differences.

MrCrocker wrote

I don’t really give my 2 cents on cop apps anymore because most of them I’ve never seen in server or I don’t reslly care about them but this guy here is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met on the server he put 11 hours on his first day and this guy is very mature it’s probably because he’s 28 but I’ve never met a more worthy cop applicant

I want to thank you for this comment, This is the vibe I strive to give off. I don't see any reason in being mean or immature just because I am on the internet. I am looking to have a good time and I'd love it if everyone around me is having a good time as well. Thanks, MrCrocker!

Quaaludes wrote

yeah hes a pretty good guy from the times i have seen him play he minds his own buisness and is not toxic but friendly. would make a great addition to the moonshade PD 🙂

I mind my own business most of the time, if a player seems like they may be trouble in my operations at the moment, I will put a bug on them. As far as toxicity goes, who wants to be known for being unbearable. Thanks, Quaaludes!

Good application, very good in terms of information and also a great player I always see you on and helping players when you can which I can respect wholeheartedly.

This next part is nothing to do with your application I just needed to put it somewhere you could see it.

Forum Rules

Not following these rules will lead to your post being removed from the forums.

  1. Please respect all members of the forums. Any direct hatred towards another member(s) will not be tolerated.
  2. No spamming, i.e replying "lol" to every post just to gain post count. If you're going to write "lol" expand on your emotion at least.
  3. No double posting. Instead, use the Modify button in the top right of your post in order to update it.
  4. No going off-topic, before posting, make sure you're going to write something useful to the topic.
  5. For applications, do NOT post a + or -. Reply with an explanation for your vote, do not reply to anyone else's vote, this includes the applicant, only reply if
    absolutely necessary. This rule links in with the rule above, please stay on topic especially on applications.
  6. When creating a report thread or replying to an application, make sure what you post about that specific member is true.
  7. Do not post joke reports, we take things seriously and your topic will be removed.
  8. Do not re-apply for the same position if your application was recently denied, the topic shall be locked and you will be informed. At least wait 2-3 weeks before
    posting another application.
  9. Do not repost quotes without giving any reason. Although you may agree with that post you need to give a reason for your repost of the quote -> This rule does
    not apply in the following categories: Applications, Admin/Player Reports
  10. No bumping threads. ->This rule does not apply in the the following categories: Off-Topic Discussion

The one I specifically want you to look at is rule number 3, me and many others have seen you using the forums and that is good but you need to try and not double post I have seen you do this alot and I get that sometimes you have to but instead of writing another post just edit your old one. In case you still don't understand the rules I have listed them above.

Black Rabbit wrote

Good application, very good in terms of information and also a great player I always see you on and helping players when you can which I can respect wholeheartedly.

This next part is nothing to do with your application I just needed to put it somewhere you could see it.

The one I specifically want you to look at is rule number 3, me and many others have seen you using the forums and that is good but you need to try and not double post I have seen you do this a lot and I get that sometimes you have to but instead of writing another post just edit your old one. In case you still don't understand the rules I have listed them above.

I honestly was confused about the meaning of rule 3 and I thought I was referring to spamming replies or posts. Thank you for clarifying, Black Rabbit. I was honestly worried that I had broke rule 5 by replying to the comments on this app. But I tried to read it carefully and I believe that I have broken it and I am sorry. I will be sure to obey forum rules better. I noticed it last night but had no way to fix it, so I just left it alone cause I did not want to break more rules.

He's a good nice guy he helps when he can. Very mature like crocker said. He's better at helping out than a couple of the admins. Im sure he'll be a good cop like a really good cop like the best cop. He gives it his all!3

Illuminati Illuminati Illuminati monkaS monkaS vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation

Great guy and would be great for a cop he is a darkRP player which means he will be strict which I feel we need a few strict cops. vapeNation

He really deserves to become a cop,he is really friendly and helpful,really supportive and nice and really good to everyone on the server,nice part of the community. Otherwise really would be a good cop.

12 days later

Accepted! See an admin in-game for training