I played for like 12 hours today and I left to play one comp match, and when I came back I could not connect. I have verified my game and restarted my pc and steam.

This was my console:

Retrying public( ...
Retrying public( ...
Retrying public( ...
Connection failed after 30 retries.

**** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'PopupManager'

I really want to devote some attention to this server, so I deleted CSGO and am in the middle of re-downloading it

Help me figure this out and I will donate the moment I connect.

Hello, I am sorry to say but we don't know for sure what is causing you to not connect but here are some things you could try to fix it.

  1. Check your steam for updates
  2. Validate your game files
  3. Uninstall then reinstall CSGO
  4. Restart your PC
  5. Restart your Router

I hope that one of these solutions will work for you and if not we will look into what is a causing this error and try and come up with a solution to it.[/SIZE]

I have tried most of those but I will start at the top of the list and work my way down.

Thank you, Black Rabbit

Ok, so I think it was my router or routers, It is downloading now YAY!

PS I did make it in and I donated/subscribed as well, when do the donation commands work?

Also, In 2 or 3 weeks I"ll donate the 10 bucks for most support of the server