with the release of the MP5-SD, A new highest co pran kshould be introduced
The ninja cop will have the mp5 sd as a primary
usp-s as a secondary
a smoke grenade
and for 3-5 seconds RNG he may go invisible
this should be the top tier rank though
with the release of the MP5-SD, A new highest co pran kshould be introduced
The ninja cop will have the mp5 sd as a primary
usp-s as a secondary
a smoke grenade
and for 3-5 seconds RNG he may go invisible
this should be the top tier rank though
Sounds like undercover cop with a primary and a skill ability
other then the invisibility and the name doesn't sound too bad of an idea.
how about we call it spec ops soldier (or some other sort of spec ops related name) it will have low health and basically all the same equipment as you listed
edit: after a little thinking I do like the idea of having abilities on certain cop ranks but going invisible is just a little much maybe he can have a faster movement speed or higher jump. (could also be an excuse to get some new custom models)
I talked to myback and i suggested that it would be added to a rank like swat. a new rank would be cool though
I think a new cop rank would be cool the only thing about suggestion I don’t really like would be invisibility ability, firstly it would be hard to do and I feel myback could do more productive things at this time and secondly it would be overpowered as fuck also while I’m talking about the bad things that name is awful “ninja cop” is not a good name at all as spooky stated it should be called something like Spec ops.
You really want the MP5 to be the end goal for cop? Seriously?
The MP5 isn't some godly new weapon, it's just a silenced MP7 with reduced damage, reduced accuracy, faster movement speed, and no tracers.
Especially for a cop, the MP5 seems useless. When you're a cop, there won't be a scenario where you need to shoot someone without making noise or firing tracers, because unless you're breaking the rules, you're probably being shot or were being shot. (I guess you could try to kill a bounty as a cop but I don't know why you'd want to do that over cuffing and jailing them.)
Sounds nice
Sounds like a problem if you ask me.
The main problem is that once you get swat leader you just stay there forever, never switching to any other ranks. The point when the employer menu changed was for people to be able to switch to other ranks when they wish, but they just stay swat leader cause it has tons of health and an ak. Maybe replacing it with and mp5sd is too drastic of a change but there definitely has to be some adjustments in the future eventually.
I should have been more specific about the "problem" lol The MP5 might not be that big of a deal but the invisibility thing would be pointless to a cop unless he was being un-cop like
the point is swat leader is too fucking good and it needs a nerf so why not nerf an op cop rank and use a new csgo feature.
I think Spooky hit the nail on the head IMO