Your ingame name: Quaaludes
Offenders in game name: CancerKicker/Jodge
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118213582

What server did this happen on?: Roleplay Server
What rules did the offenders break?:Letting people in PD not doing anything about it/ Cop RDMing/jailing others cuffs

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: //Crocker and others saw
Other comments: he was favoring people by jailing people he didnt like even though we were all rdming. Also had a meltdown which was not very cop like.

can verify even though i dont have the ss of him killing me while i was cuffed in jail and him saying he could do it and not listeing to me i did have witnesses on the server and on ts that could verify

he was trying to get out of the cell standing on the coor so it couldnt close so i killed him so he couldnt leave the cell and he got upset about it

joshdude842 date=1534276897 wrote

he was trying to get out of the cell standing on the coor so it couldnt close so i killed him so he couldnt leave the cell and he got upset about it

You do have /push btw so u can avoid situations like this in the future, I would suggest making a bind out of it.

joshdude842 date=1534276897 wrote

he was trying to get out of the cell standing on the coor so it couldnt close so i killed him so he couldnt leave the cell and he got upset about it

You opened the door so I went up because I thought you were going to release me then you just killed me without asking me to get back in or I’m going to kill you with no warning and your body was blocking me from getting outside completely as Alex said you could of just pushed me back in. But that’s not the main reason for the report you basically gave up as a cop and went and hid on a roof and let the Ts go more crazy than they already were and people were getting in the pd following you and you did nothig except say leave me alone i give up

[size=xx-large]accepted! [/size][size=large]players cop will be taken away as soon as possible.[/size]