[size=small][font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]In-Game name:ryan5204[/font][/size]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Steam ID:[/font][size=small][font=Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, Courier New, monospace]STEAM_0:0:11101[/font][/size]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Age:14[/font]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes I have one I would prefer not to but will if needed[/font]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Days of the week you are available to play: almost every weekend and 3-5 week days[/font]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Current Hours In-Game on our server:32[/font]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: eastern standern time US Indiana[/font]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace]Rules you view as most important:not killing a new player it will make them want to leave and not come back[/font]
[font=dejavu sans mono, monaco, lucida console, courier new, monospace][size=small]Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to become a cop so that I can arrest people mass killing and killing new players to expand the comuinity. If I see no cops on i will change to cop so that there isn't as much chaos and there wont just be a mini purge which happens quite often. I will try my best to do my school work so I can get on and assit other cops or be the only cop. I hope you pick me and if you do i will strive to be the best cop possible.[/size][size=x-small] [/size][/font]