Your In-Game name: Swayzz ?
Offenders In-Game name: [ J O D G E]
Offenders Steam ID:

What server did this happen on? He threatened me saying "I will kill you in real life with a knife to your throat"

What rules did the offender break? He threatened me and disrespected me.

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: I have Black Jew Jodge himself Grubsy Slippuh Sneaky as people who heard it.

Other Comments: I was saying reee as a war cry and he statrted threatening me and such.

.....are you two? bc if so, that make sense. if your older then 10, grow the fuck up. literally just grow up. i like u but if that hurts ur feelings, quit the server now bc thats all it is,

I want to delete this because I relize it is dumb but I can't

It's cs my guy don't take people so seriously.