[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]In-game name: Lolisme (lemon)[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Server you were banned on: csgo rp[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Who banned you: spookyS[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Reason for ban: cheating.[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Steam ID: [/font][size=small][font=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:442480882[/font][/size]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Reason you think you should be unbanned: In my case, i was not cheating. the video was just me headshotting people through doors, which isint hard since i have [/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]knowledge of crosshair placement. also me knowing where they are is simply just sound. there is nothing fishy, duck ran both times or someone next to him ran or talk where i could see the mic through the door, its really not that hard to get a kill through a small door when theirs 5+ people sitting out of it. I just dont think it was fishy at all and some hatred was put into my ban rather then the actual proof itself. [/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Evidence to support claim (if any): [/font]

I mean you were also scripting but...

If you read the replies to your report, you’d see that you never mentioned seeing the mic above his head. This would’ve been the first thing you mentioned.

Skittle date=1533913735 wrote

I mean you were also scripting but...

If you read the replies to your report, you’d see that you never mentioned seeing the mic above his head. This would’ve been the first thing you mentioned.

wasent the main reason thats why, i also found the report retarded since it was nothing fishy, so i didint care because i wouldent think i would get banned. also wheres the proof where i script?

15 days later

can this be reviewed already, thanks

God damn can you stop asking it’s getting annoying when they feel like doing it they’ll do it you keep asking and making posts for them to review it will only make them not want to review it more

MrCrocker wrote

God damn can you stop asking it’s getting annoying when they feel like doing it they’ll do it you keep asking and making posts for them to review it will only make them not want to review it more

Yeah, I agree, lemon just take a chill pill and try re appealing in a few months by being active here but your activities can't just be review My PosT pLsS!
Buy an htc vive if your pc can handle it so you can play csgo but you are the terrorist. That'll take ur mind off things the thing is I'm waiting while my bro is at work and he comes home we can play vr. try finding a new game to play if that won't work, like Buy r6 soon cause it's 60%off, try playing games with friends, try making friends. Anyways im sure there are many things you can do while you patiently wait for the admins to review your appeal. Just calm down because i feel like ur so impatient so you can be bad on the server again. I hope to see you on the server a new person give it some time so what you did isn't still floating around as a big deal.

13 days later

Hacking on a MoonShade server will always be a permanent ban.