Kyle is great. Kyle is greater than you. Kyle's greatness is not opinion, but a fact. In fact, he is so great he'll talk in a soothing voice. His voice is as soothing as a kittens little fur. His skill is greater than the elite players in Cs:Go. He, himself is greater than god, because he is God. He will strike you with kindness so great, not even my friend's Mom is nicer than him. (she's pretty fucking nice) If I was the person who gave out the reward, he would win the "Best Person Alive" award. Kyle will never be matched because he is great, greater than god.

Grubbsy your greatest fan. (he's not better than you though)

kyle gey

Now send me the link to download the new Minecraft map!

kyle gey

i would have to say Kyle is pretty great

I'm sorry isopod i am going to have to get my friends who are the biggest admins on the server and i will get you banned for disrespecting god.

a year later