[size=medium]Alright so, it's interesting enough that cuff boosting is a misinterpreted phrase on this server. As of lately, I've seen people say incorrect information so I decided to inform the community as to what it means to "Cuff Boost."[/size]

[ Of My Knowledge ]
Obtrusive Cuff Boosting is of the following:
(but not limited to)

  • 1Cop bribing a player to RDM in order to easily obtain cuffs/exp

  • 2Any cop that openly releases a player who is among frequent RDMers in order to chain jail/unjail

  • 3RDMers who are in favor of a specific cop, mainly for their easy jail unjail or frequent cuff uncuffs

1Both parties will be punished for this, as both the cop and player coherently agree to the plan
2This will only result in the cop's punishment, as the RDM party would have no knowledge of their intention
3In this case, this happening frequently will result in punishment of both parties

[ Of A Cop's Doing ]
Not Cuff Boosting is:
(but not limited to)

[size=large]|[/size][size=medium]These examples are of the many I've noticed people getting called out for[/size][size=large]|[/size]

  • 1Getting someone to let them cuff/uncuff or jail/unjail them to be the last upon a cop rank-up

  • 2Pre-jail/unjailing or cuff/uncuffing a post-rdmer

1For example, take Grubbsy for instance. He didn't really have a clear understanding of what Cuff Boosting was at the time of "admitting" that he had done it. What he really meant was that he got someone to let him cuff/uncuff them for his last cuff needed for a rank-up. In Grubbsy's defense, he did NOT cuff boost and I know this because he explained it to me in DMs.

[size=x-large]To certain individuals, stop flaming on people for "Cuff Boosting" if you don't know what the fuck it is yourself or if you don't have solid evidence, [/size][size=medium]aye[/size][size=x-large]?[/size]

On skittle's note, it is quite clear that I'm defending Grubbsy when I literally said that I was; lmao. This post isn't just about his problems, because I was subject to some of this misinterpreted inclination myself. Yes, I got the ambition to make this post after hearing about the "Grubbsy incident." Whether he lied or told the truth or whether he cop abused or not (which I haven't seen yet), that is up to whoever is willing to decide themselves or whom of which has evidence for.
