Your In-Game name:[J O D G E]
Offenders In-Game name:Swayzz
Offenders Steam ID:[size=small][font=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_1:1:196239739[/font][/size]

What server did this happen on?csgo rp

What rules did the offender break?cop abuse, he began fighting as a rebel (which is fine) then he changed to cop to let them use PD tele and to help them PD raid
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
g0d of bongos was on and yelling at him too
Other Comments:
We need to raise standards for Cop status we have too many and a lot of them are starting to become irresponsible

I'm pretty sure he also let out 5 or so of my cuffs, looked away for a second and they were all uncuffed in their cells so...

I didn't let any cuffs out I beleive someone had a cuffsaw and I didn't let people use tele.

You kept opening doors for them to come into PD they were THANKING YOU for showing them the teleporter. I watched you "trust fall" with one of the rebels that you let up there

Thats kind of gay is he doesnt get his cop taken away for letting people into the pd

we seriously need to regulate the amount of cops everyone applies and just get let in

[size=medium]accepted! [/size][size=x-large]swayzz will lose his cop and have to reapply for it back.[/size]