[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Your In-Game name:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Psyduck[/font]
[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Offenders In-Game name:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Lolisme[/font]
[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Offenders Steam ID:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:442480882[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]What server did this happen on?[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] RolePlay Server[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]What rules did the offender break?[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Hacking [/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]https://youtu.be/UxIG8bTnXyU[/font]

So if i use sound and hear 5+ people outside my door and i spray them down and hs you, i hack? lmfao

As can be seen from the video, he is blatantly walling and this should be dealt with immediately, Lemon has had enough chances given to him.

like i said, yall were making sound , so i shot where there was sound. as you can see i missed a few shots here and there. maybe not put a whole video and clip the fishy part to try to get me banned.

You heard people outside but you headshot every single one of them my guy?

crosshair placement? was i supposed to shoot the floor

In the video you tracked him through the door thats more than just crosshair placement.
Let the admins decide whether you were hacking or not from the video my guy.

like i said again, it was a spray. where you spray, through a wall. near the sound. also, he clipped the most fishy part of the video which i would do as well if i hated someone

I hate lemon, but, haven’t seen clear evidence of cheating. Except once when I was jumping and the guy couldn’t hit me, which is understandable, but then when he knew I had drugs on me it was an instant headshot.

Video definitely looks suspicious as hell though. Doesn’t help that he has a vac ban on his other account for “scripting” which, in his words, “isn’t cheating”

Well wallbanging isnt hacking but the headshots look weurd af also have i ever thought he can see the mic thing above your head also thru doors

Hi welcome chili's date=1532550021 wrote

Well wallbanging isnt hacking but the headshots look weurd af also have i ever thought he can see the mic thing above your head also thru doors

He would’ve said the mic thing in his original reply if it was true.

Fair enough also real question was what the fuck were the cops doing while there was a bounty

Hi welcome chili's date=1532559071 wrote

Fair enough also real question was what the fuck were the cops doing while there was a bounty

probably dying you absolute idiot
also im pretty sure he was put in vip

As seen in thr video the cop died once while he was a bounty and there were two cops on

Hi welcome chili's date=1532561237 wrote

As seen in thr video the cop died once while he was a bounty and there were two cops on

The video is literally only 22 seconds long, fuck off with this shit.

as seen in the video when psyduck went the second time he knew exactly when and where to shoot

ANoDite date=1532604331 wrote

as seen in the video when psyduck went the second time he knew exactly when and where to shoot

s o u n d

I mean it looks pretty sketch he’s either insanely lucky or walling he’s getting consistent headshots and hearing people won’t give that sort of skill to just start hitting headshots like that :/