Your entire post is taking everything out of context completely, let's start from the beginning.
From what I recall you were banned earlier today, also by Spooky, for being completely disrespectful to both him and I believe Black Rabbit as well. This is pertaining to the subject at hand because during that time before you were first banned and insulting Spooky, you also for some reason thought it would be smart to insult the server's current population. You said something along the lines of "This server is dead because of people being toxic."
Fast-forward to a little bit later and I kill you and steal your grams, get your keys taken away by your buddy, foiled your plan of breaking the locks on my door, and killed you almost every time I saw you for a little bit. This is, at this point, standard for the server. We've both been playing for months/years and know how almost everything works. About an hour passes and a few people who have never even heard of the "Lite RP" gamemode join, since they obviously knew nothing I decided I would help them learn how to make money, to learn how everything works so that they may have the same amount of knowledge of this game mode that they've never even heard of before as you, me, Spooky, etc.
I buy the two of them a start apartment to share, and put a few locks on it so that I can teach them how all of that works. After I told them how to plant drugs and they were waiting for their drugs to hit 300g so that they could pick them up and sell them, you show up. You KNOW there are new players in there planting, because you literally said this in chat: After that you immediately came and started breaking locks with the intention of stealing these peoples drugs, keep in mind that it's the first set of drugs they've ever planted in their whole 10 minutes on the server, and someone that knows how to play, and is conscious of the fact that he is breaking the locks of new players, is coming to steal their shit. I didn't know what to do, so I shot you in the head.
By your own logic, what I did is completely just. Everyone else can form their own opinions of me using what I just posted, but you must think I'm completely fine. You said the server is dead because of cancerous people, I just saved 2 people that would've potentially quit and made it less probable of them doing so.
This server is dead because of YOU, Lemon.