In-game name: Squidward, BirthofWingman, Yosef's brother.

Server you were banned on: Csgo roleplay

Who banned you: I believe it was shekles

Reason for ban: Toxicity, disrespect of EVERYONE

Steam ID: 154355556

Reason I think I should be unbanned: 2 years ago I played on moon shade gaming. I started out just trying to figure out the game, but over time I made small decisions which led me to my own demise. For one, I started thinking it was cool to disrespect players and call them profanities. I thought I was untouchable and that the small actions I was doing was in the gray area of the rules. Then I made a lot of money, and became friends with a couple extremely rich people on the server. (not listing any names as to not place the blame on anyone else). I became cocky, and I thought of myself as a rebel whenever I was just turning into a jerk. I got too caught up in the politics of the server whenever I was not a cop or staff so I had no right budding in where I had no place. Shortly after I was banned, I started school and got into trouble. I had a wake up call on my attitude and character, and I started going to counselors and volunteering in my local area. I believe I am reformed after this massive break in playing csgo. I only wish to play for about a month, as I am joining the military once I turn 18 so i'm just trying to have some fun with my brother before I start my life. I understand what I did in the past was unacceptable, and I can assure you it will not happen again. I would also like to apologize to everyone I've hurt during my time in the past.

Church date=1531456003 wrote


I mean, we dont like you but we keep you around