[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]In-game name: Yosef / -josef-[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Server you were banned on: CSGO RP[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Who banned you: myback (I am pretty sure)[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Reason for ban: It has been a long time since I was banned so I don't remember the exact details, but I think it involved disrespect, being "toxic", and raiding people that were considered new. I also think "slow-hacking" was a reason.[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Steam ID: [/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:107840087[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Reason you think you should be unbanned: I think that at the time in the community I was associated with a few troublesome and disrespectful players. My brother would be the main one, however by now he isn't the same as he was back then. My little group liked to play the game a certain way, and that way was to spend money breaking locks and getting crime. All of that lowered my reputation. That alone shouldn't have been a reason to ban me, its part of the game, but I do admit I was very disrespectful at times. I played on the CSGO Roleplay server when I was 13 years old. At the time I was in 7th or 8th grade I'm pretty sure; my point is that I was still a kid. I obviously wasn't fully matured at that young of an age, no one is. I made a mistake of being a little ol toxic fellow once I got plenty of money in the game. I'm not trying to say I'm fully matured now at the age of 15, but I can tell you as a fact that I am more aware and mature than I was back then. I'm going into my Sophomore year of high-school so I'm still young and not fully matured, but I've learned a lot. I know I had a great time playing CSGO RP back then and truthfully I'm longing to have some fun in the server again. Yeah, I messed up, but its been 2 years or so (estimating). I think I should get another chance. I'm fully responsible for the wrong things I did back then, and I think I can do much better. I really did like the server and I spent a lot of time on it. I think I got to the SWAT Sniper rank through spending so much time as a cop. It's not the highest cop rank but it shows some dedication. I know I was put on probation before getting perm-banned, but I'm going to be honest with you: I was so restricted by that role that I had zero fun playing. I just gave up. Looking back on it, I can see why I did just give up on getting off of probation. However, I somewhat wish I would have just pushed through having no fun in order to be able to play the game normally again. Also, I know "slow-hacking" was one of many reasons for me getting perma-banned, but I truthfully have no idea what I did that could have been considered slow-hacking. I don't even know what slow-hacking is, to speak the truth. Whatever I did that was considered "slow-hacking", I deeply regret it, and once I find out what even I did, I'll never do it again. All in all, I have matured a lot due to how much time has passed since I got banned. I think that there will be no staff that will regret un-banning me to be honest. I just want to grind some cacti and have some fun. Forgive me for the wrong I have done please. [/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]I'd also like to note that one "new player" that I liked to raid in VIP apartments wasn't even considered new to me. He had wealthy allies it seemed, and a high enough amount of hours, so I thought there was no reason to treat him nicer than anyone else. I think that someone gifted him a lot of locks, maybe 1,000? I'm not sure. My memory from 1.5-2 years ago fails me often, so forgive me if I screwed up any detail about anything I said, it wasn't on purpose. Also, I raided the police department / jail often. I was told that that was one reason I was "toxic", and I have to say that that isn't being toxic at all. I was just playing the game, having fun, and causing in-game trouble. I wasn't breaking rules by gathering a big group of people and raiding the jails, so I think that that reason for me being called "toxic" is COMPLETELY false.[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Side note: I don't play CS:GO on my main anymore, I use a different account. If I get un-banned, I'd be playing CSGO RP on another account. (No, I'm not talking about alt-ing)[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Evidence to support claim (if any): My academic life (great grades in AP classes, etc), social life (healthier relationships), physical well-being (I've been working out for almost a year now), etc., has gotten much better ever since I last played on CSGO RP. To me that shows signs of increased maturity, so I guess that is some sort of evidence hopefully.[/font]

Ok. So I re-read the old topics and discovered there was a little confusion. Sheckles had incorrectly said it was solely because of the PD raids. Those actually have nothing to do with the ban.

The term "Slow hacking" is usually referred to when telling people to type "quit smoking" or "demos" in their console, even as a joke. There are other meanings to the term, but it mainly means tricking someone to the point where you're messing their experience in the game up, usually with commands.

Going back to the reason itself, if you look at your post history: the way you went about things was uncalled for. Sure you had Earth defending you how you're allowed to PD raid, but your behavior and treatment of others could not have been defended. It looks like you burnt yourself out and was at a "dead end" to quote Tempus and had nothing else better to do than to screw around and act the way you did.

I don't know if you understood that you were in debt and had to prove it to us that you weren't here to cause unrest, but then your literal reply was "Fuck you". But that's why basically. Looking back at it, Deadpool's replies weren't that kind either.

I will trust you, but you need to understand and admit why you were mainly banned. Not the raids, the lockbreaking, but just look at your post history and you'll get it. You will be unbanned - My ban, my decision. If anyone has a problem, they can talk to me about it.

I have zero recollection of slow-hacking, but I looked back at my post history and DAMN, I really was disrespectful; I completely admit that. I deserved my punishments as well, but thank you very much for unbanning me and giving me a third chance! I'll act my best.

I honestly don't care if your banned or not but I do remember being targeted by you and your brother and if I find you haven't changed are that you are acting the same why you where two years ago I will be very harsh with my punishments I have very little respect for you but I hope this changes..

woah hey church where have you been

Manlord date=1531456462 wrote

woah hey church where have you been


Manlord date=1531456462 wrote

woah hey church where have you been

work and hospital