In-Game name: Cooper
Steam IDs: steamID: STEAM_0:0:150481878 steamid3: [U:1:300963756] steamid64: 76561198261229484
Age: 11
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? In fact, I do have a microphone and I'm more than happy to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: Everyday, except during school weeks I might not get on because of homework and studying.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 34, I've been playing since 2015, I just took a long break, as a lot of child predators were lurking around the server. I've been playing all day and will continue to, this number is going be updated as I play more.
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central Standard Time, United States
Rules you view as most important: No mass RDMing (especially as RDMing a cop, as it stops them from doing their job(s)). Oh yes, no mic spamming, mic spamming is horrible and it stops people from focusing on the game and it is just plain annoying.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I've been playing this server forever, I think being a cop is a good way to become more and show respect to the community familiar with the Moonshade community. Now, the reason you should pick me over other applicants, I am a very respectful person and I will be a great cop by, following the rules, attempting to do all of the members requests to the best of my abilities, but however if they're breaking the rules I won't do it, and I will report all the people breaking the rules to the admins, and I will not jail for no reason, cuff uncuff people if they get high crime for self-defending themselves (e.x someone won't stop trying to kill him/her.)
note my old name was mrtakemy