[size=medium]In-Game name: [/size]Kyle
[size=medium]Steam ID: [/size]STEAM_1:0:50455052
[size=medium]Age: [/size]19
[size=medium]Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: [/size]Yes I am willing to use my microphone even if there is a 12 year old kid screaming at me.
[size=medium]Days of the week you are available to play:[/size] I am on most of the week and usually get on every other day or 2
[size=medium]Current Hours In-Game on our server:[/size] 241 hrs on record
[size=medium]Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: [/size]Central Time and I live in Missouri USA
[size=medium]Rules you view as most important:[/size] All rules are important but I will make sure to go over all of them again.
[size=medium]Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?: [/size]
[justify]Well looking from the time of this post most of them could be or are inactive or retired players. So putting a app in now could increase my chances of getting cop. Well from 2015 to today 2018 I've always wanted to have cop just because I thought it would be cool to cuff, and uncuff my friends and other players who want it / need it. Having cop will help me learn how to have cop and use it correctly in CSGO. I would have something else I could grind "Cuffs" and wouldn't always have to grind money. I would get a chance to explore all of the PD without using lock breakers and door hacks. I would be able to finally use a suit charger lol. I feel I am finally worthy of having cop and hope everyone else feels the same.[/justify]
[size=medium]Thanks for reading my app,[/size]
[size=small]I hope I can get cop for the first time and enjoy it [/size]
[size=medium]Signed, Kyle[/size]
[size=small]Took me like 20 minutes to color this, I promise I ain't trying to christmas theme this post lol[/size]