[size=x-large]Moonshade's Weekly Cup[/size]

[size=medium]Moonshade's Weekly Cup will be weekly soccer/European football tournaments hosted on Thursday and Fridays.[/size]

[size=medium]The winner of the tournament will acquire ownership of the soccer field for the week until a new winner is announced.[/size]

[size=medium]Use the forms to create a roster.[/size]

[size=medium]When will the winner be announced?[/size]
[size=medium]As soon as the tournament is finished.[/size]

[size=medium]What if I can't make it at my designated time?[/size]
[size=medium]Warn in advance if you can't make it to your time and we will try to find another match for you or else you forfeit your match.[/size]

[size=medium]Who will be the referee?[/size]
[size=medium]Any available admin (If none is available, message me on steam or on discord[crazyninja#0713])[/size]

23 days later

Someone wanna take this off announcements as crazy is clearly not following through with this...