[size=x-large]Here is a mirror of our Discord announcement:[/size]
[size=large]"We are in need of someone who has a considerably good ability to design graphics such as logos, banners, etc. using applications like GIMP or Photoshop. If you know anyone who is willing to help us, please let us know! If you're personally looking for payment, we can discuss that privately. You would be credited upon your request for any work you commit to. If you are interested, please add & message me on Discord. Thank you!"[/size]
[size=x-large]Seeking professional-level Graphics designer[/size]
[size=large]If you know anyone who can be COMMITTED and have a SKILL in designing graphics, we would love to work with them. Here are some [/size]
[size=large]If you've noticed, our new Discord icon is a part of an amazing looking banner created by ski, also known as woxuhh, from [/size][size=large]a few months ago[/size][size=large]. Here is the full image: [/size]
[size=large]Consider this image the level of quality we are looking for, which is fairly high! We're not looking for just anyone, you HAVE to be fairly SKILLED in this!! If you wish to volunteer, private message me on these forums or add me on Discord.[/size]