In-Game name: Itz_skittles
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:208941505
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?yes I do have a mic and I am always using it
Days of the week you are available to play:Everyday of the week
Current Hours In-Game on our server:193
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:Central time zone/ Louisiana, United States
Rules you view as most important:I feel Do not favor specific citizens as cop is the rule that i find most important
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to become cop because besides people recommending me that I would be a good cop, I feel it would be something cool to do. I feel it could help the server also. I am a really cool person. I have experience with power. I will be fair with everyone. If I make a mistake i will own up to my mistakes. I have been playing this server for a good 3 weeks. I have not been able to get off it. I would make a great edition to this police force xD. Please consider and thank you.