Since the mag 7 is essentially a jet pack, I think it should be removed from the ranks of police... With the way the recoil is, it just makes it too easy... I think coming up on them in a car is fair game, you dunno where you're gonna pop out and either do they exactly (its maybe easier..)

But with mag 7 you can change directions instantly, and fly... I think it would also boost the value of crates mag 7's, which most weapons ARENT that valuable because cops just drop them (AWPs, Deagles, Mag7 etc)

What do you guys think?

I could think of plenty of other fun weapons for captain to have...

problem is people like myself who have unboxed ALOT of them from naughty crates

So i guess myback has already changed it! haha. nice

yeah its fixed, they spawn with sawed-offs now.