so i feel like the server community is falling apart, but who am i? i feel like there are far too many people that arent even active that just have billions stacked and just come on and attack those that barely have anything. example, 2 days into mittlefans ive had multiple big money admins come and break my locks and kill me in the middle of the night. and then there is pikachu..... just saying a fair even restart on total economy would bring equality into the server and i think it would appeal to those that arent on the multi-millionaire status, that cant get there because of random acts done by bored millionaires, and in my case admins.
proposition to reset economy
yes but then everyone with a good amount of money (half the server) who are also deemed the most active players would quit
do you see the dilemma here
I heard from Samyboy that Tee was going to quit because of his locks being broken again
your home shouldn't be everything. there is no winning, you can't win, you just talk to people and make money. play to have fun, that's all i can say for the time being