[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Your In-Game name:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] TheSpeicalHorse[/font]
[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Offenders In-Game name:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] SaMyBoy[/font]
[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Offenders Steam ID:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] STEAM_ [/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]76561198273716054[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]What server did this happen on?[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] RolePlay Server[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]What rules did the offender break?[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Favortism + COP RDMING[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: [/font]https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198273716054/screenshot/919171602252148279

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Other Comments:[/font]OK i dont know why tf you'll gave Sam what ever his user name is cop again after as far as i know he has had his cop removed 2 times.After a week being offline of this server and joining back today i catch SAM as a cop (as you can see in the screenshot)(link) with another player (T side)saying its his bodygourd he hired to protect him from me so the player kills me over and over again while i was just walking in the PD lobby where same also was,BUT the thing im reporting is sam for COP RDMING as a cop i didnt even hit him or knife hime(same thing) and he turns around really fast and shots me (he was facing a guy who was door blocking the door to go to the back of PD and i was in the lobby and sam just shoots me for no reason.(hopefully my story/point of view mad sense because my english teacher says when i go turn in a essay that none of my stories made since i just repeated my self or must have been thinking what i was going to type down but never typied it down and it made it look like i skiped a huge amount of my story.

-Thank you (TheSpecialHorse)

It was an accident there were like 4 or 5 people rushing in the pd and I hit him outside of it never meaning to RDM him as a cop I don't know why he reported me for this I think he just wants to find a way to report me and will get out of him way to just to find a way for me to kill him I also told him it was an accident 4 or 5 times. I think he might be mad because I helped him get reported. https://moonshade.net/index.php/topic,3343.0.html

Emerald stoupe were both on and there.

TheSpecialHorse date=1521850306 wrote

another player (T side)saying its his bodygourd he hired to protect him from me so the player kills me over and over again

I did put him the (bodyguard) in jail and kept him in there for half the him as I do to all the people who RDM with under 10 kills.
He wasn't even a bodyguard he just had a weapon and killed the people after me and as I said put him in jail same as I do to everybody.

First of you never fu*king put him in jail you where cuffing and uncuffing him and i told you so if i kill him since he is protecting youwill i be cuffed and uncuffed and you said NO to me, and then you told the other player if anything happenes just say you where defineding your self not me.Second of 5 people where not rushing you there was one go blocking the door to the back of PD and you where telling him "STOP DOOR BLOCKING OR IM GOING OT KILL YOU"and i run from behind trying to get a screenshot of the guy who was door blocking and you turn around and killed me when i didnt even touch you. SO PRETTY MUCH THERE WHERE 2 T PEOPLE IN PD not 5 SAM and noone was rushing you.
P.s.there where only like 3 none afk players that i saw that where not afk from the 9 who where (sam = 4 none afk players)

-Thank You <3 TheSpecialHorse

TheSpecialHorse date=1521855750 wrote

First of you never fu*king put him in jail you where cuffing and uncuffing him and i told you so if i kill him since he is protecting youwill i be cuffed and uncuffed and you said NO to me, and then you told the other player if anything happenes just say you where defineding your self not me.Second of 5 people where not rushing you there was one go blocking the door to the back of PD and you where telling him "STOP DOOR BLOCKING OR IM GOING OT KILL YOU"and i run from behind trying to get a screenshot of the guy who was door blocking and you turn around and killed me when i didnt even touch you. SO PRETTY MUCH THERE WHERE 2 T PEOPLE IN PD not 5 SAM and noone was rushing you.
P.s.there where only like 3 none afk players that i saw that where not afk from the 9 who where (sam = 4 none afk players)

-Thank You <3 TheSpecialHorse

I cuff uncuffed him one time AND yes there were lots of people rushing.

it would show in the console how many people appartly rushed you and you killed them if they where anyafter the 3 min later i toke the screenshot of the console so you have no proof and i d

special got caught in the cross fire of samy killing someone else and he is all pissed because he made a mistake and comes here

Yes he got caught in crossfire of standing in that hallway of the locked pd door.... thats not a safe place if someones trying to raid pd or break someone out.

cross fire ????????

here is my picture on my point of view

Door to back of PD always locks by office,player blocking door,sam(cop),and me noone else was there
sam turned around and shoot me in the fast there was no crossfrie there in console shows sam didnt kill anyone else right after i didshowing that there was no crossfire against anyone else



TheSpecialHorse date=1521862521 wrote

cross fire ????????

here is my picture on my point of view

Door to back of PD always locks by office,player blocking door,samcolor=#336633,[/color]and me noone else was there
sam turned around and shoot me in the fast there was no crossfrie there in console shows sam didnt kill anyone else right after i didshowing that there was no crossfire against anyone else



Yes he was he was behind trying get in the PD. Look special it was an accident I don't know why you are wasting your time and other peoples it was only once stop crying over it and again it was a ACCIDENT.

there is no proof for both sides look like you all wasted your time gooded going now all kiss and makeup

no for the love of good keep your petty ass disagreements on the server and off the forums...

SPOOKY date=1521874264 wrote

there is no proof for both sides look like you all wasted your time gooded going now all kiss and makeup

no for the love of good keep your petty ass disagreements on the server and off the forums...

That what I told him but he just had to report me for no reason at all.

Yeah, no reason for an report, It was only a crossfire. Sht happens?!