How is Manlord Cop and Mantekila isn't?

I have nothing against Manlord personally, and honestly Mantekila has frustrated me more with rdms, (but thats IRRELEVANT to getting cop as the rules say, mass rdm is different, not talking about that) but now I'm very concerned that a previous frequent rule breaker/exploiter/etc is now a Cop.

ALL I ever see Manlord do is mic spam, try to spam cars in buildings, find new places to annoy people with teleporters, and brag about how many new rules changes were because of him...

I don't think breaking rules should be something to brag about here.
I realize some people deserve a shot, but with his INCESSANT rule breaking, I'm really not sure how this is supposed to work.

I guess we will find out what new things can be exploited as cop that new rules will have to made for.

Also, please so I can collect needed evidence (it happens pretty much every time) any info regarding the following would be very helpful:

Is there any way to record a demo without having to quit the game to stop it?

Are there other programs I can use to start/stop recording in game?

Gonna move this since it's in the wrong board.

Ah thanks coal worker, that'd be much appreciated... I've read EVERYTHING on the server's info, but not the forums yet... I apologize and will read the appropriate thread here.

Again I appreciate you fixing/moving my post

18 days later

It seems to not be moved, and joker is saying my other thing isn't formatted.. which it's not, now that I have spent a few hours searching (i use it in game), i see how it's supposed to be done...

Ignoring the issue because of format shows a stronger priority on format that actual rule enforcement, in MY personaly opinion.

I have so much going on personally, I originally found this a good distraction but getting simple rules follows seems to be a chore sometimes. Again, my personal opinion

I thought someone would've responded to you by now. Let me clear it up since we're all too lazy to.

I can't give you a satisfying answer: disconnecting to avoid getting cuffed is simply not wanting to play the game correctly. It murdered his chances of getting cop.

Like RogCmdr said, getting denied cop shouldn't factor into whether someone continues playing or not: Unfortunately, it does because we are not like-minded individuals. Mantekilla can just apply again in a week or two.

This thread was also made before he was denied, just put on hold. Manlord got put on hold as well. The key difference is he improved his ability to follow the rules (his issue), while Mantekilla continued to upset everyone.

Again, I expected someone else to reply but I guess we're too busy. Sorry