First, sorry for my speech, english is not my mother tounge.
I found a Glitch/Teleport/Bug...
If you put your vehicle in your house @ enter it you will get this massage
[Vehicle Mod] No safe exit point found!!!!!
[Vehicle Mod] Teleporting you to emergency exit (2056.100097 2498.800048 2272.000000).
and get Teleportet in front of the Mew Bank. So you will never get killed with drugs!
Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY): 05.03.2018 Amerika: 03.05.2018
What server did you find the glitch on? CS:GO RolePlay Server.
What is the bug/glitch? "
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch? ?
Screenshots or recorded footage showin -----
I houpe I could help