hey I was afk and came back in the morning it said I timed out and won’t let me reconnect
Won’t let me connect
[size=x-large]There was a recent CSGO update. Update your client.[/size]
I did early last night, I went afk around midnight central time, and woke up to collect my printers before work, it said I disconnected because I timed out. So I closed counterstrike and reopened it thinking an update like you said. Then when I click on server in community servers it just brings up a box saying joining server then failed to join server it never goes into the loading screen for the server.
Then it's probably server-side. If you still can't then wait and try again later. I'll msg [member=1]myback[/member] about it too.
ok so i came home for lunch and exited steam and updated again and still having same problem, i checked my girls account too on her comp and its doing same thing idk whats up
Server lost connection to Steam. Most of the time it requires a hard restart, except if it's a Tuesday, then it is the Steam weekly maintenance.
It's back up now. It couldn't figure out how to restart, but now it should be able to. You will get 10 and 1-minute warnings if it cannot re-establish the connection on its own.