[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Your In-Game name:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Eden[/font]
[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Offenders In-Game name:[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Hot Asian Girl[/font]
[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Offenders Steam ID:[/font] [font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_1:1:425603959[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]What server did this happen on?[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] RolePlay Server[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]What rules did the offender break?[/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif] Unemployed with 5700 crime and scripting also hacking[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:[/font] [font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]https://youtu.be/GSkcd9bF_Zk also hacking link is [/font][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]https://youtu.be/81UlHwrSygY?t=11m[/font]

[font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif]Other Comments:Scriptin is not in video but u can still tell blatant hacks too[/font]

Re: Hot Asian Girl Report

I am playing in this server at the same time, his info is: 143 8 "Hot Asian Girl" STEAM_1:1:425603959 21:24 60 0 active 196608

His crime is above 10000 now... He is staying unemployed so he cannot get sent to jail.

He says he doesn't care

Re: Hot Asian Girl Report

Stoupe_EMK date=1519553789 wrote

I am playing in this server at the same time, his info is: 143 8 "Hot Asian Girl" STEAM_1:1:425603959 21:24 60 0 active 196608

His crime is above 10000 now... He is staying unemployed so he cannot get sent to jail.

He says he doesn't care

thank you

Just an update,
More people joined and he continued to try to troll everyone, driving away several new players (under 5 hours). I tried to assure them he would be taken care of but that just fueled him more so I stopped..

But I SAW his aimbot (which he claimed couldn't aim to the head and suspected the server has some anti aimbot hs thing???? ?

Also, i witnessed his wallhack, I saw Eden's movements and heard him perfectly describe his movements from his cell.

Plus mic spamming, MRDMING, and using "unemployed" to exploit not being auto jailed for having a bounty!

[size=x-large]Thanks for the notification! The next time we see him we'll take appropriate action if there hasn't been already.[/size]