In-Game name: JMT|Stoupe_EMK (Wang Chow) [I originally went by Wang Chow for a while so I plan on deleting this part, I just didnt want people to not know who I was.
Steam ID: [url]STEAM_0:1:40051743[/url]

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?Yes and Yes

Days of the week you are available to play: All days of the week in general, specific days vary by week

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 69

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:Arizona Mountain Time, Phoenix,AZ

Rules you view as most important: From my experience, the cop rules seem to be some of the most important... I would say RDM but you can have good RDM RULES but that does mean people will follow the. So having good cops seems more important for that reason only.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?Having cops (and GOOD cops) is an integral part to this type of server where crime is regularly accumulated. The biggest disputes I see are over cops playing "favorites". I believe a cop should be EXTREMELY lenient for crime for someone selling drugs, but someone who is just camping the bank MRDMing might need to sit a little bit, especially if they see people getting let out all the time.
In my opinion, people are "friends" or whatever the case and murderers get release just like drug dealers... I believe DISRECTION is a key trait that I would bring to being a cop. I also think I would enjoy leveling up and having something else to do in the game.
I'd like to note that almost ALL of my hours are played hours, as my pc tower fan was broken so my gpu would over-heat from CS:GO and the computer would restart so I couldn't AFK. This is fixed now, so my hours will go up. But the fact that I have almost 70 in a month or whatever its been with less than 15 afk hours, I play quite a bit and find the wide range of things to do enjoyable. I am looking to expand this aspect with being a cop.
I've read all the rules and guides, and for example "there must be at least 2 cops for one to be a rebel(or rogue I forget the wording). I'm not sure if this is a current rule or not; my point is knowing and following the cop rules is what makes it fun for EVERYONE. Being a cop is a responsibility as well, and I see how it negatively affects the server when this responsibility is shirked or misused.
I help (and enjoy helping) new people get and understand the game because I find it very unique and enjoyable so I like to pass that on.
[ I also am on very sporadic hours so I believe it would be good to have a cop on when I often am ( anywhere from 11pm -4am MST), as I and others often acquire huge amounts of crime during this time.

(NOTE: this app was done in-game with /apply (great job on whoever did the websites and agario and slitherio!) so please excuse any punctuation/spelling errors. I will re-review this when I am not in game, and possibly when any feedback is given.



This application is definitely the best I’ve seen in all my years on this server!!! Great job

Great player hes mature and not toxic at all on the server.

Haven't seen you on the server yet but with this app I hope I can, you seems extremely mature and this app is fucking beautiful so good job. Good Luck my friend. -Lucifer

Two words, Great Job.

This app makes me go...

This guy deserves cop, he's very level headed and an old player who has had cop before and didn't abuse it then

He's a great guy and not toxic. He deserves cop.

I know the decision hasn't been made or anything, but regardles I'd just like to comment on how much I appreciate the positivity!
Negativity and positivity are both infectious so it's great to feel positive vibes.

Thanks Joker! I'm not sure I've seen you in game, or Matthew, but I am looking forward to playing with both of you.

And I also just want to thank everyone else who has played with me (Church, Isopod, Adapt, and the rest), to take the time to comment on my application!

See [member=1]myback[/member] in-game!