So adapt has been really toxic from what ive been told he also said this to me while he was a cop after i had killed him,

Adapt : stop being a cunt
Adapt : nope
? | ??Eden?? : ADAPT IMA R3PORT
Adapt : ok do iyt
Adapt : i did not call you a cunt
oh u didnt ??? Ye ok stop being a toxic 7 year old who thinks they are better than everyone else because they can do something some people can't.

so please consider banning adapt or just taking cop away from him thanks for your time
-[size=medium][font=Whitney, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]? | ??Eden??[/font][/size]

Both of you are behaving stupidly. A ban because your feelings are damaged? In your dreams.
His cop is not eligible to be taken away too with petty insults between other players.
If anyone else including him behaves irrationally and disrespects other players as a repeat offender then a mute or gag will be appropriate.
Oh and by the way, if you actually want to get anything done in your favor; it's in your best interest to make this into a correct report format. Otherwise... SEEYA!

if you have real proof use it, not a copy and paste.

[size=medium]you have 24hrs to use the correct format and provide actual evidence or this will be denied[/size]