In the cop handbook it says not to assume somebody hit you and Adapt did it

[size=large][font=Times New Roman]As stated above, you may only kill players who HIT you, DO NOT ASSUME a player hits you until you SEE them. Citizens slashing at you with their knives does not count.[/font][/size]

[size=large][font=Times New Roman][/font][/size]

According to myback and what he told me in training I dont have to see you hit me. Plus you were the only one with a gun Anyways youve been targeting me everytime you see me on the server calling me names like "f♥ggot" "retard" "Bitch" And "whore" and then call me a fucking squeaker I think its time for you to grow up.

Adapt date=1517772106 wrote

According to myback and what he told me in training I dont have to see you hit me. Plus you were the only one with a gun Anyways youve been targeting me everytime you see me on the server calling me names like "f♥ggot" "retard" "Bitch" And "whore" and then call me a fucking squeaker I think its time for you to grow up.

According to the hand book that all the admin helped write you cant ASSUME and I think he might have told you to go look at the handbook in the training and you should have done it anyway. So you are telling us you have not read it ok.

Not saying that either way this report is not in the right format and you and your friends making reports about is flooding the forums why do you think they had to lock them all just grow up and move on.

Yea there is a thing called a read line that points to the person that has damaged you as a ct. If i see that red line clearly pointing at a player that has damaged me I'm going to kill them. if i am breaking the rules I'm going to need myback to tell me directly, or I'm going to keep doing it.

This all just seems like shit that happened when Yosef and his brother were here, both of you should just make up and just not talk to each other, Adapt has enough as a right to play RP as anyone else and vise versa with Samy, both of you should either just Be ice or just BE and mute each other and play Moonshade to have fun not to be little shit heads to each other.

Alrighty, yall need to settle this petty bullshit before you piss off the entire admin team if this issue between the 2 of you isn't resolved in 24 hrs im going to get involved and there will probably be temp bans for the both of you in the VERY near future if yall cant hash this out.
