Welcome to the .minimal Clan Page!

This group stemmed from the Syle's RP gang created by Eldrun.

I am the leader, .kist

The application process to join my gang is as simple as posting your accumulated wealth along with a quick description on how good you are.

We plan on consistently killing every other gang on sight, while also breaking their locks and raiding. My absurd wealth is going to fund most of our activities.

.minimal owns a suburb gang house on rp_abuse_me_city and plan to buy one of the true gang bases on the next map, rp_freemancity.

Ranks will be established in their most basic forms as members join.

Ranks as of June 13th:
Grand Wizard of the Invisible Empire: Uberkist
Grand Dragon of the Realm: Jay Owen
Genii: Ryan ; Wes ; Versace Boyz
Hydras: Inspector Javart

The Confederacy of Moonshade Seperatists fight for the containment of Moonshade Mafia's imperialism.

Hey Kist I have 75k in bank and 100k worth of items in my inv I have 55 hours and have hope of getting into ur gang I can afk a lot for items and also provide money and weapons for the gang and the near future map house im sem but very close to gold nova I have a good aim and have hopes of joining you're gang thanks! -ToxicHD

I'm silver elite, have over 100k in bank and my biggest desire is to burn MsM to the ground

8 days later

Half of MsM are rdming 12 year olds so I want to burn them down to the ground.
I own a garage worth 100k with 50 locks. I have 10k in the bank and 180k in items. I'm stocking up locks for my garage at the moment which is why i'm broke.
I have a load of experience from hl2 dm and I'm MGE on competetive.
I'm also Irish :o

uber u better let me in im cool af