I sued "Adap" for 20k for having admitted to sex while under age and also to another man. I won the case (keep in mind this is after he failed to sue me). I used this video for proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PEUcJB8J_A&feature=youtu.be which clearly is good solid proof the case is announced I won Adapt then says I do not have the money I am not paying everyone in chat says sell something or pay with etc He then ignores and ignores. crazyninja (the judge) announces you have to find his parents and make them pay which is basically a way of saying I am not getting my money. I spent maybe 20 minutes with recording editing and sitting in court with ear rape going on for an admin to call off everything I did then say this "crazyninja: u worked hard... for accusing a kid of child porn, The thing is that I thought the case was going to be much more reasonable, maybe cop rdm? or something, and editting isnt that hard, Ive done it myself before. I just don't see how you thought it was going to go your way." For me to pay 2.50 bucks a month... and 10$ once just too be ignored when I put hard effort into something. I was also informed this has happened before! Black Rabbit sued him and he could not pay I told crazy I am not putting up with it and I need my money. I was doing it for the RP and the money and I get ignored and rejected after the whole server saying in chat ski wins ski wins!
This is one of many things to happen today with Adapt and this in my opinion is the most bullshit of them all.
I won a case and the case was blatanly ignored!
yea I was there and got very mad cause he was going to pay me 10k of it if we won I would also be very mad
second time today Adapt WOW
The judge said my parents have to pay because I am under age. maybe if one of them hops on server you can talk to themLULTriHard
Also these people are trying to do everything to get me banned/muted/gagged/Cop taken away they dont like me they should just grow up and stop being immature.
or best way to solve it is not be petty bitches about it and drop it. if you owe ski something give it to him.
look you have to pay him 20k fuck your parents, you whent through the hole trail and pussyed out later when u lost. even if you don't have the money sell your house.
how about you have until Monday to give ski 20k
I gave him 20k in somalian currency where my parents live I did not have to but I did My parents payed in there currency now grow up.
i thought this was moonshade literp
Skittle date=1517791205 wrotei thought this was moonshade literp
yea at first me too until i thoroughly read everything.