I know Adapt is new to cop but it is kinda annoying and he has been pain in the ass today. Now first thing he did was released my cuff I don't think it was an accident because I think it was his buddy from school. He has been abusing his vote mute now I will admit I was being little annoying but he did not have to do it. Finally the most annoying thing he has done today is evolving cop favoritism by cuff uncuffing or jail unjailing people but when he final gets me he changes his cuff uncuffing/jailing unjailing idea by saying "ok now I am full jailing everybody even with drugs (and drugs is what I was doing when I got jail.)" Normally this dose not annoy me that much but he did it 3 or 4 times today. What also annoys me is when he says "I am jail only people that RDM" and I was just killing cops and still full jails me and had to spend 240's trying to explain to him that killing cops is not RDM. The hole idea of him doing cop favoritism annoys me the most because in his application he says for the most important rule is not to cop abuse and favoritism falls in that category.

None of this is true First of all it was not my buddy from school I let free fortuitously it was black rabbit and I was edified from myback that Right click was to push so I right clicked him and he got uncuffed. I was not abusing my vote mute because you auditory perceiver ravished and crazy was afk. And when crazy got back we did a vote to keep you muted and the results verbalized for you to stay muted. And cop favoring is something I did once fortuitously today to you and let you out as anon as I realized. After all these prevarications you just verbally expressed i cerebrate we all ken your just a little snake no one could trust I have videos of you calling me a retarded f♥ggot and much more all your doing is making yourself look deplorable by posting this.

record it

or record demos

Skittle date=1517701236 wrote

record it

or record demos

how can I do that


Adapt date=1517700913 wrote

None of this is true First of all it was not my buddy from school I let free fortuitously it was black rabbit and I was edified from myback that Right click was to push so I right clicked him and he got uncuffed. I was not abusing my vote mute because you auditory perceiver ravished and crazy was afk. And when crazy got back we did a vote to keep you muted and the results verbalized for you to stay muted. And cop favoring is something I did once fortuitously today to you and let you out as anon as I realized. After all these prevarications you just verbally expressed i cerebrate we all ken your just a little snake no one could trust I have videos of you calling me a retarded f♥ggot and much more all your doing is making yourself look deplorable by posting this.

BTW I think it was your buddy from school

Adapt date=1517701453 wrote


because your bitch and pain in the ass for doing that shit

I am a witness this is utter bullshit what he replied and he has been trying to hide it He has been making up lies ever since he messed up he should just bite the bullet and admit to what he did. I was personally cop favoritized by him multiple times. Not as much as SaMy which is why he brought it the forums he is lying about who he is etc etc he claim that him and his friend (Razer) (The same guy who he cuff uncuffed) were in discord (keep in mind they kept saying this over the course of 20-45 minutes) Razer who killed me as a cuff left the server to avoid I said it is alright whatever Adapt then goes and tries to make it better for him saying stuff for Razer (Mute bypass) None of this should be tolerated and I think he deserves to be punished just because it happened MULTIPLE TIMES with different people you could go on the server and ask different people I could almost gurantee people will say he did (I don't hate the guy) He just needs to know that you cannot have grudges as a cop and changing your mind as soon as you make a desicion is not a smart one to make.
Thanks for reading and these are my thought I was not going to make a report and it seems as if I have to write this because it is very stupid how he gets away this stuff.

Ski your opinion is completely bias because you and him have been butt buddies the past week and ganging up on me as far as door blocking

And isnt this post on me not razer??monkaS

If you believe this then make a report buddy
(btw do not fucking talk about butt buddy because you literally suck your bestfriends schlong all fucking day)

Adapt date=1517701729 wrote

And isnt this post on me not razer??monkaS

Yea it is on you but razer has been your best buddy and most likely the only one who will say that it is bull shit

I can get alot of people to say this is bull shit black rabbit knows i uncuffed him accidentally because he was defending me about that

ok yea that might have been him but what about all the other shit u have done.

Ive admited to doing some stuff but abusing vote mute never happend Cop favoring i did once and let you out as soon as i realised

[member=764]CoalWorker[/member] Lock this please