I know Adapt is new to cop but it is kinda annoying and he has been pain in the ass today. Now first thing he did was released my cuff I don't think it was an accident because I think it was his buddy from school. He has been abusing his vote mute now I will admit I was being little annoying but he did not have to do it. Finally the most annoying thing he has done today is evolving cop favoritism by cuff uncuffing or jail unjailing people but when he final gets me he changes his cuff uncuffing/jailing unjailing idea by saying "ok now I am full jailing everybody even with drugs (and drugs is what I was doing when I got jail.)" Normally this dose not annoy me that much but he did it 3 or 4 times today. What also annoys me is when he says "I am jail only people that RDM" and I was just killing cops and still full jails me and had to spend 240's trying to explain to him that killing cops is not RDM. The hole idea of him doing cop favoritism annoys me the most because in his application he says for the most important rule is not to cop abuse and favoritism falls in that category.